Download Facts and observations relative to sheep, wool, ploughs, and oxen; in which the importance of improving the short-wooled breeds by a mixture of the Merino blood is deduced from actual practice. Together with some remarks on the advantages which h
Dаtе: 9.08.2012
Size: 5.09 MB
Аthor: Somerville, John Southey Somerville
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ІSBN: 1990000520166

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Facts and observations relative to sheep, wool, ploughs, and oxen; in which the importance of improving the short-wooled breeds by a mixture of the Merino blood is deduced from actual practice. Together with some remarks on the advantages which have
Facts and observations relative to sheep, wool, ploughs, and oxen; in which the importance of improving the short-wooled breeds by a mixture of the Merino blood is deduced from actual practice. Together with some remarks on the advantages which have
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Annual report of the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture and Annual report of the Experimental station
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